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Energy poverty in buildings in Romania

Energy poverty in buildings in Romania

Autor: Anca Sinea, George Jiglău, Andreea Vornicu

A large part of our energy is used in order to cover our daily needs. Some of these involve mobility (7% according to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), but most of them are connected to some kind of venue, be that our domicile, our workplace or schools, or some other transitory building destination that is related to our regular shopping routine, our interaction with our public administrations or other more occasional activities in the public space. Based on some studies we spend 90% of our time indoors (World Heath Organization, 2013). Our indoor spaces, irrespective of their kind are responsible for 40% of our energy consumption and quite the same amount of climate emissions. Despite the fact that all of this energy consumption and all the related effects is generated around our more general lifestyle, none has an as high and direct impact on our life as our own household consumption.
Irrespective of our socio-economic situation, this feature poses a number of health-related challenges, which are associated with the state of the building: indoor/outdoor air pollution, hazard risks, humidity, mold, inadequate temperature or high temperature differences, lack of hygiene, etc. This can impact vulnerable households to a much larger extent.

Full report here.