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Does Inequality Erode Cooperation in the Classroom? Evidence from Pisa 2015

Does Inequality Erode Cooperation in the Classroom? Evidence from Pisa 2015

Autor: Gabriel Bădescu, Paul Sum

We consider the relationship between SES equality and cooperation among high school students. We find that inequality decreases the acquisition of cooperation skills, a key ingredient to sustained democracy. Generalized trust and political equality counteract this effect independently. Further, trust and political equality moderate the influence of inequality, reaffirming the importance of education to democratic citizenship.

Does Inequality Erode Cooperation in the… (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325477442_Does_Inequality_Erode_Cooperation_in_the_Classroom_Evidence_from_Pisa_2015 [accessed Jun 04 2018].