• Think-tank pentru valori democratice!

Associations and Democracy in Romania

Associations and Democracy in Romania

Autor: Gabriel Bădescu

Editura Accent, 2010

There is a large agreement that the revolutions of 1989 were, to a large extent, the result of massive citizens’ protests, and that civil society groups played a very significant role in triggering and organizing them1. Then, during the early 2000s, a new wave of revolutions has spread to a group of more culturally and geographically diverse polities from, Slovakia in Central Europe to Croatia and Serbia in the Balkans, from Georgia in the Caucasus to Ukraine in the Western CIS and finally to Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia. This sequence of democratic breakthroughs in postcommunist Eurasia, often referred to as color revolutions, not only has raised expectations that a contagious spread of democratic impulses will give rise to further democratic development, but brought further support to the idea that civil society can play a significant role in spurring democratization.

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